BMH Online

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Does anyone know how we can load our 88x31 buttons in a random order? In particular, ones that are clickable... and assuming only a little coding experience!
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freckleskies 2 years ago

you could keep a txt file with the names of all the buttons you have (or even with the whole "" strings to simplify the script down the line), read that file everytime the button page loads, split the strings into an array, shuffle it like you would any array and then append them one by one in the button container element

saint-images 2 years ago

I rooted around a bit trying to shuffle the existing elements on your buttons page, but it doesn't really work because of the arbitrary whitespace elements. Another solution would be to generate the buttons on the fly from the list of links/images with JS, but it's a bit more work. LMK if you would like me to do that for you ψ(._. )>

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bmh 2 years ago

@freckleskies brilliant, thank you! That's pretty much what I want; I'll have a play around with that ASAP.

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bmh 2 years ago

@saint-images How did you know I was talking about MY buttons page?! *looks shifty* I quite like the space between the buttons! Hopefully I can keep it ;-)

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saint-images 2 years ago

"Click for a larger picture to read the full instructions." - seems like the link also leads to the thumbnail instead of the full-size photo.

bmh 2 years ago

Ahh, thanks for spotting that and reporting it! I'll fix that in the next update, here it is for now:

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Hi Alex, thank you for the follow and welcome to Neocities. I can relate to a fair amount of your "An Adolescence Spent Online".
Webcam news: It's now running on a Windows XP system... because, I like to pretend it's still 2008.

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CreatedJun 16, 2020
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