BMH Online

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bmh 4 years ago

I have re-jigged my Einstein@Home section (keeping the white text on black background); the main page of it had become unweildy, particularly with an ever-growing maintenance log! I hope it works well.

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kakashi 4 years ago

this looks awesome!!!

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bmh 4 years ago

I think my Einstein@Home section would be easier to read if it wasn't white text on a black background... but I like how it looks...

cheru 4 years ago

I think it looks fine, it's easy to read as-is

hoylecake 4 years ago

i can read it just perfectly! it fits well :)

bmh 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! It must be my eyes, they don't like reading from my Kindle either when it's set this way.

heyty 4 years ago

White text on black is the best!

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thanks for following me! love your site, especially the tamagotchi section!
bmh 4 years ago

You're welcome and thank you; I like your website's navigation menu!

bmh 4 years ago

My Shrine section is now ready for viewing; I had fun putting this together! Try pressing F11 for the best viewing experience ;-) It's very much a work in progress; more to be added.

zanarkand 4 years ago

i can't wait for your shrine section! your creativity never ends to amaze me. ヾ(*′○`)゚.+:。゚☆

bmh 4 years ago

@zanarkand Thank you for the kind words... now the pressure is on :D

Hi Alicia, I just discovered your website here... and that there is, or was, a thing called VEDS; I totally missed that and will make a note of it for next year! I also noticed on my clicky-travels that your site's button, while professing to be 88x31, is actually 88x33 ;-)
thedigitaldiarist 4 years ago

hi brian! the VEDS crew is a small but welcoming community and I'm sure everyone would be glad to have another vlogger join the ranks next september! as for my site's button, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. it's 88x31! at least, it is now ;)


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