I think my Einstein@Home section would be easier to read if it wasn't white text on a black background... but I like how it looks...
Thanks for the feedback! It must be my eyes, they don't like reading from my Kindle either when it's set this way.
My Shrine section is now ready for viewing; I had fun putting this together! Try pressing F11 for the best viewing experience ;-) It's very much a work in progress; more to be added.
i can't wait for your shrine section! your creativity never ends to amaze me. ヾ(*′○`)゚.+:。゚☆
hi brian! the VEDS crew is a small but welcoming community and I'm sure everyone would be glad to have another vlogger join the ranks next september! as for my site's button, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. it's 88x31! at least, it is now ;)
I have re-jigged my Einstein@Home section (keeping the white text on black background); the main page of it had become unweildy, particularly with an ever-growing maintenance log! I hope it works well.
this looks awesome!!!