I was hoping that would benefit someone striving for cross-compatibility. That's exactly what I was going for. Achievement unlocked.
You could integrate them into each title attribute of the buttons' (A)nchors, subsequent to respective titles
I'm not a big fan of title attribute because it's not universal; that is, it's not compatible with every browser believe it or not. For example, textual browsers ignore them.
I'm not that happy about Mahou stealing Delicious Party's rightful spot in the movie but they gotta promote Mahou 2 I guess. Videogames seem like an odd theme for Wonderful, but maybe it's to give them enemies they can actually fight? I trust the CGI will be good; Toei has always delivered there, and I like how the CGI is more on model than, say, in the Mahou CGI short. Either way, let's look forward to it!
Although if I can be completely honest with you, I wish they'd stop doing crossovers in the main movies...
Honestly, I'm okay with cameos in the mainline movies, but do sometimes wish crossovers weren't a thing outside of All Stars... well I guess that's hypocritical since I loved the Snow Princess movie. Video games seemed randomed to me too, but it's worth seeing the cute games Yuki, Komugi, and Daifuku get to play in the trailer. Does this mean Daifuku's a midseason I wonder? Poor DeliPuri girls, but I am-
also excited to see Maho 2 next year. Feels like a good time to be a fan lol
I will watch it, to see what they can do with it. I didn't like Mahou because it seemed like they had all this worldbuilding and INCREDIBLE character designs and did... nothing with it?
As for Daifuku, I think everyone's expecting him and Satoru to become cures, but it's becoming more unlikely by the second. Perhaps Daifuku will be a movie exclusive. Toy leaks indicate more of a focus on Nico-sama; who knows if SHE will become the fifth?
Added the kindle 3.0 browser to the list of browsers I've tested the site on and added a banner to the home page. Maybe it'll stay, maybe not. We'll see.
I love your "Any browser" page. I just test my pages in Dillo and textual browsers like links, lynx, w3m, etc., but your dedication to maximized compatibility is remarkable, and possibly singular.
Neocities CDN is a bit lacking, it goes nuts requesting anything above 6+ hq images if you are not particularly close to their servers (Any person that isn't in North America)
With all of my photo galleries I would exceed the 1gb limit in a few months even with thumbnails alone. Though I do use it for everything other than photos.
For capacity (inter alia) remitment of 5bux/mo is actually a much easier option, esp. considering that I host a mirror here....
@ongezell I understand, but people are using cdns for icons, buttons, and the like... is it really worth it?
@saint-images yeah your use case is completely understandable. To think that without a 3rd party host we wouldn't have your photography...
dunno, I myself host all the assets of my main page on github (It loads REALLY fast) and on top of that I also use cloudflare. it works for me, whenever I want to add new stuff I just place the files on a local folder and push it to the repo
^_^ gracias!