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Heya! I'm having some really weird problems with your site recently. Your CSS is not showing whatsoever. I think this may have to do with your stylesheet using a full link rather than a relative link. Here's a pic of what I mean:
d3c0ragrl 7 months ago

QUICK UPDATE: That was exactly the problem. Changing the stylesheet link from the full link to just /style.css fixed it for me

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d3c0ragrl 7 months ago

Oh I should probably sign this off -- Hana

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cloudcover 7 months ago

Oh dang, thank you so much for letting me know! I'll check on that now!

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cloudcover 7 months ago

Okay, I changed it on that page- hopefully that fixes it. Have you been having this problem on other recent pages? I just cut/paste when I make new pages, so the head should be the same for everything...... I have no idea how that happened -w- ;; haunted, ha ha. Thank you so much for letting me know, Hana! I'll scan the rest of em for this issue. o7 - Cloudy

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cloudcover 7 months ago

(*narrator voice* she was wrong, and had used the full link for almost everything) 🤣🤣🤣

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d3c0ragrl 7 months ago

It absolutely was happening on other pages, I just forgot to mention that lol mb

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d3c0ragrl 7 months ago

Still happening on the 'links' and 'art' sections

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cloudcover 7 months ago

WHEW Ok I think I got everything..... fingers crossed ahaha

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CreatedNov 18, 2021
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