Dryad Glen

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Gonna have a lot of time to listen to music this week and downloading albums for some of the songs people have suggested in my guestbook. I'd love to hear what y'all've been listening to lately! I've been listening to the Trigun Stampede soundtrack, a lot of S. Carey, and Sleep Token, but it's time to mix it up!
frogpondblues 2 months ago

i've had cocteau twins' 'head over heels' on repeat for weeks, which has been fun but is probably a sign i need to mix it up myself!

oudkee 2 months ago

freesia of longing by daizy stripper has taken over my life entirely

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cyberneticdryad 2 months ago

Thank you bothe for the suggestions!! I had a good time with a couple albums from each of them. =3

tower-falls 2 months ago

someone else said cocteau twins so i want to say more goth chillout/reading music: his name is alive, this mortal coil, dead can dance

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedNov 16, 2021
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