there's something out there | encountersltd

3,279 updates
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serial experiments lame
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wormsworld 4 years ago

Cereal Experiments Grain

scarbyte 4 years ago

encounters lame-td

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encounters-ltd 4 years ago

you are banned

owlman 4 years ago

I hate when people talk smack about me

thinking about making a dream journal for the site... pretty cliche but i do have some pretty funny dreams
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just made a bunch of minor edits to several portions of the site! it's been a long time since ive done that, but it felt good! probably most significantly, i officially added my crayon comic to the site (greetz jackomix!):
encounters-ltd 4 years ago

also, just a reminder that I made a few new character bios recently:

wormsworld 4 years ago

Poor Mr. Dorbon. I would hire him

1 like
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks for following!
sometimes i just stare at my website wishing it would just update on its own
Drawing a GOOD looking hand? HARD! Drawing a PASSABLE looking hand? EASY!
38cautionzone 4 years ago

Drawing hands in general, impossible

lmbdfn 4 years ago

I think it’s because we tend to draw hand in a different fashion than drawing a head. I thought about it a lot when I started drawing hands again a few days ago. For example, I draw heads kind of layer by layer, I don’t do the right eye, then the mouth, then the ear... I kind of do everything at once. But when drawing hands, I used to forget about that and start drawing without knowing in advance where each part

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lmbdfn 4 years ago

would end.

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777x 4 years ago

Drawing a BAD looking hand? acceptable

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whew... this update was a long time coming. added refs and bios for jonah, raph, and inky, as well as updated refs for natasha and hubie. check 'em here:
bluef00t 4 years ago

:D I like Inky!

1 like
wormsworld 4 years ago

Awesome!! I like Raph a lot, and I love the tidbit about the wizard curse.

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedJan 2, 2019
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art cartoons goofyfriendlylittleguys illustration ocs