there's something out there

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my career as a tabletop game master began and ended today, as 2 minutes into our game i realized i had no clue what i was doing
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i made an edit of one of my buttons inspired by lividdreams's color pallette! its a little hard to see but i love it
wormsworld 4 years ago

AWW I love it too!!! I'm honored that you were inspired by me :'D also blue is the best color B)

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Thanks for following!!
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Rated E for EL
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I know the distinction between an Album and an EP has kind of been blurred in recent years, but IMO the general rule should be this: If you're going to pass something off as a full-length studio album, it should be at LEAST 20 minutes
cubertown 4 years ago

my personal limit is 35 minutes, anything shorter is an ep

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bluef00t 4 years ago

Some records that come out today have only ten songs, or less. This makes us angry.

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this batch of character refs is pretty much finished... its late for me so im gonna get a good sleep and finish the bios in da mornin, before the cytube stream
If Erin Esurance took on The General, The General would win, no contest.
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cybersparkle 4 years ago

Looks great!

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okay, i gotta ask: what is soulseek?
dann 4 years ago

Spiritual successor to Napster basically. Adware/Spyware free and pretty much has a userbase with any song you can think of, no matter how obscure.

new character bios coming tomorrow! will post a preview shortly

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJan 2, 2019
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