funny thing, edge is based on chromium too. I've had my own assortment of issues with brave in recent months, like not being able to post in some places, or on one of my dressup games brave refuses to keep me logged in, it gets so frustrating but im too lazy to switch ;_;
Edge and my default phone browser (I don't have my bookmarks transferred for time managment reasons) are Chromium, which is likely why loading offline pages work there... I suspect VSC might be too since scrollbars look different in Firefox compared to previews that do work. Geez!!!
Relatable post about food costs and health. I've always considered it a classism issue too. I'm sure so many would eat healthier or organic if they could just afford it. The only way I know to eat cheaper is via vegetables/fruit and removing everything else. But even those have had price increases. Apples, romaine, and kale are through the roof where I live rn. Tragic.
Hit the nail on the head. Most supermarket bread plainly sucks and $6 for a decent loaf is bit rich. Not everyone has the time (or should be expected to) bake their own, but if you can then its worth giving it a shot. Much more filling and without the usual truckload of preservatives
@alexnet Not to get conspiracybrain but I've also wondered if the lack of school classes teaching how to cook and whatnot ties into why people eat crap. I had to learn to cook by myself because I didn't have home economics classes or whatever the new term is.
We love you Charizard1246 <333 Also "your puny, dopamine-addicted brains will continue developing forever." I'd fallen for the meme and didn't know this... thank God!!!!
Two main focuses: and
ugh your drawn together review made me laugh out loud a couple times, thank you for the chuckles!! i agree that today's culture would benefit from more equal opportunity, self-aware offensive humour. even when youre the one getting made fun of, if the joke is actually *good* you'll probably laugh anyway, right? i guess i'm just calling for better comedy in general tho, lol
welcome to the world of external stylesheets!! whenever you have the energy to enter that is. take your time, and until then i'm so glad to hear that you're having fun drawing <33 get some good rest, ok?
I've uploaded my new rune style.css earlier today, but the actual page isn't finished yet! Probably will be this week or so.
Reason #45435346 I hate parents. Raise your fucking kids instead letting them loose online!!
I don't like this gallery's code (it's just a Nanogallery2 script I borrowed), but it's for old art and doesn't matter as much...
Speaking from experience, kids and teenagers who misbehave online have shit going on in their real life, but if you can't change their environment there's not much to do. Bad parenting 101
I just realized her posts have been nuked, so IYKYK...