welcome to hill house

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1 tips
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I really like the design of your site, and I admire your self-control to limit yourself to just two hours a day. Neocities has become my obsession over the past 2.5 weeks, but it's so rewarding. I can't wait to see what you add to your site next.
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hillhouse 2 years ago

aw thank you!! i love your site's design too; it's so lovely and warm! we'll see how long my self control lasts haha, i've gotten so obsessed with adding things to this (and have already offered to code sites for some friends, too, so... the two hours thing may not stick! but at least it's fun!!) <33

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mandrione 2 years ago

hello, your site's design is gorgeous! i'm impatient to read you!

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CreatedNov 11, 2022
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