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Curly is a character from the animated series "Mouthwashing," which is known for its humorous and whimsical take on various themes related to oral hygiene. He is depicted as a friendly and enthusiastic character who embodies the importance of maintaining good dental health. Curly often engages in comedic antics that highlight the benefits of regular brushing and flossing, making him a relatable figure for audiences o (<-- Amazon link) HIS HEAD IS SO BIG
Great for scenarios and imaginative play
he look s like a lollipop someone sucked off and dropped in the dirt :(
heartdrive gets it. he's so sad looking. wow
this is the same energy madoka fans give to those who have never seen it before when encouraging them to watch the show sobbb
like "yesss pls go watch it its so cute and wholesome!!" except mouthwashing