omg you guys are like, the only other people i know who've also seen Raw, i feel like if i ever try to describe it to someone who hasnt seen it they'd be scared of what movies i watch ToT it was a strange one
@leviathren omg... yeah our taste in media is a bit scary to people who are squeamish... but that's not a bad thing!! there are plenty of good and strange horror films out there for ppl like you and me!! - j
film library page is up with a ton of films!! - j
@swiftred ehe you're welcome!! also holy shit yeah that book was incredible it was like being reached into by the author, and then having your hands guided to touch nagata's soul right back
added my lesbian experience with loneliness and junji ito's cat diary to bookshelf - j
welcome back !!!
i am pissed though because we got a mean anonymous comment in our guestbook where the anon had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. we don't mind being challenged or disagreed with but if you're going to claim our system is fake, at least know which disorder we have?
"oooh you don't have did" i know!! never in our lives have we claimed to have it!! [points at a large sign that says "osdd-1b"]
like goddamn it. this anon could have, you know. checked our system page! where it says that we have osdd-1b! but the fact that they did not do that means that they see ANYONE being open about their system and decides to shit on them for no reason.
sorry for the rant this just ruined my mood...
No worries. Welcome back.