i just changed the fonts on my pages, marking the great manyface font overhaul as complete (thank goodness, because this started in april!) - therry :>
new journal post! about my newest partner, osa. https://manyface.neocities.org/journal#060824 - j
okroshka recipe is up!! https://manyface.neocities.org/recipes/okroshka - j and shades
ive never heard of that story, but holy fuck your imagery is soooo vivid i might as well have been there. love the vocabuulary you used :0
@caesthoffe thank you so much!! there are a lot of variants of the story, i was surprised to see just how many there are when i was refreshing myself on the premise. i think i know the story from a soviet cartoon?
really love how compact and punchy this poem is - completely agree with caesthoffe that the imagery is stunning!
@ryo thank you!!! it was the sort of thing that came to me as i was trying to sleep and i had to get up to write it down, haha!
updated my own page with a little paragraph about my newest partner, osa! i'm definitely going to write about her in the journal, too... - j
deleted the rss feed because it was really annoying to keep up to date and i felt like nobody even knew it was there. - j
new abstract art piece dropped! https://manyface.neocities.org/abstractart/theirconnection.jpg ONE MORE UNTIL 100!!! - j
new abstract art piece dropped! https://manyface.neocities.org/abstractart/svsresize.jpg there are now 98 pics in the abstract gallery! - j
new journal entry up! it's just me talking abt life hehe. https://manyface.neocities.org/journal#010824 - j
i made a mascot for our site! they're on the index page under the main text :) - j
I LOVE THE MASCOT DESIGN SM??? it really captures the vibe of your site with the colors and web feel, i really like the mask clips and the old web button type coloring!
two new non-abstract art pieces! we went to a printmaking workshop today and here are the results: https://manyface.neocities.org/otherart/scrimmybingus.jpg and https://manyface.neocities.org/otherart/crungyspingus.jpg (of course, there are many more prints of each) !! - j
you can now generate one of SIXTY manyface facts by clicking a button on the index page. exciting! - j