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kph 1 year ago

Fun read! A more intentional take on something I've done for years: when I have a lot of stuff to do or need to take notes very quickly, I will forsake any actual note system I have to open up notepad and just start typing. There really isn't anything else with so little friction. I have lost information from forgetting to save, so I've started trying to copy things to named .md files in obsidian ASAP, though.

nohappynonsense 1 year ago

OBTF life is the only life for me

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mikegrindle 1 year ago

Thanks KPH. Yeah, for me it was just about combining that kind of immediacy with some of the benefits that come with PKM. I'm sure the more complex systems work wonders for many, but they didn't do much for me.

mikegrindle 1 year ago

Glad to have you onbord the OBTF hype train, Mike.

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getoffmylawn 1 year ago

This was a great read and I'm going to research how to add tags to my text file. I've tried before without adding tags before and search was difficult. I would love to find an example online to help.

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nohappynonsense 1 year ago

@getoffmylawn you can just write the tags in using your own nomenclature or system. I use something like [STORY IDEA] as a tag and then i can just ctrl+f for that and find those tags. You can do this for dates, keywords, tags, anything. The search function is extremely powerful, most folks just underutilize it

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mikegrindle 1 year ago

Thanks, @getoffmylawn. I might do a follow-up with some examples since there seems to be a surprising amount of interest. But essentially, I just use the '@' sign as a "tag". Some people use colons, caps, hastags, brackets etc.

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