I didn't notice that mistake. Thank you so much for sharing. I will fix that up sometime soon. <3
colexdev: DuckDuckGo is good at finding a quick, simple answer. It's mostly Bing. https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/results/sources/ Mojeek is a janky, small project that's been ongoing for several years. It's a genuinely unique search index. It's bad at giving simple answers, and good at sharing obscure ones.
Couldn't agree more. I found the vast majority of the small sites I visit frequency through other small sites. I started with just a few and now have dozens that I love. Blogrolls and link pages are the best.
I agree, the linux community can be nice and we don't need to make Windows users feel bad.
Hi Mike, just read your essay on LSD and I must say that it's bang-on with many of my own thoughts on videogames, art and the intersection between them. LSD definitely isn't my kind of game (and the PS1/Saturn/N64/Dreamcast generation is one I've barely explored), but I'm a huge fan of Ozamu Sato's visual style and thus am always fascinated by people finding out about his PS1 experiment!
Glad you found it interesting. Must admit that I'm only somewhat familiar with his other work. Perhaps I should spend some time looking into that.
Most of his stuff is, to my knowledge, either obscenely rare or downright lost media, which admittedly adds to their general weirdness and mistique. I recommend his duology of interactive CD-ROMs for MacOS machines, and the recently unearthed COMPU MOVIE (on YouTube).
The LSD essay is really good. I'm completely unfamiliar with the game, but the description drew me in.
Thank you, Murid. The game was an interesting experience and fun to write about too.
I hadn't yet checked out your links page. You have some great people on there, I will for sure be checking out some of their sites!
hope you're doing well, and bring on the experiments
looking forward to your new creative direction!!! well put about that distinct feeling during a transition
cheers guys. I feel like I've set unrealistic expectations by using the word "experimental."
Love all of your stuff and excited to see everything new that you decide to do!