Thank you so much!! This is so kind of you to say <3 I hope you have a wonderful 2024 and a good start to the year!!
happy new year to you as well lady nymph! let 2024 grace you with joys untold :)
happy new year to you too! your compliments mean a lot to me, lol. your writing is honestly so much better than mine, and youre a really kind, creative, and chill person. hope you have a great and awesome new year too, you deserve it!! thanks for your support, youre one of the coolest people on here, and a big inspiration to me
Blue, your words flatter me so much. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and from the depths of my soul. You are too kind, so sweet. Thank you so much!
you are so kind as always. my prayers are with you, i hope the angels will anoint you with such luck and happiness. all my love goes to you, and i hope this new year will be a beautiful one.. 𓆩♡𓆪
@nymphblood Nymph, you have no idea how much delight this message brought me. It's so kind and thoughtful that you reached out to me about this, like more than you know. Happy New Year to you as well! I'm excited to get to know you more. Sending you love, warmth, and safe travels across the astral plane! ♥♥
I missed your presence on the web ♡ It seems as though everything you write about is eternally interesting & almost always new to me. Your site reminds me that there's so much to discover in the world. I hope you have a good New Year's.
I'd like to read Anna Karenina, & War & Peace in the coming year. I've wanted to read it since reading The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Have you read it before? It's a short read, a novella, & so impactful. I think about it so often.
@vashti Happy New Year Vashti! Thank you so much always for your kind words, I am so glad you enjoy reading what I write. I love reading what you share with the world as well, likewise, your words are eternally interesting and new to me. I have not read The Death of Ivan Ilyich, but now I plan to. Going through all of Tolstoy this year, I hope. I am so excited for you to read War and Peace. I am actually rereading (1
(2) for the second time this year, just a different translation to compare between the two. Anna Karenina is ripping my heart out, but War and Peace will always be my favorite from Tolstoy. Much peace and love.
ʚ ɞ praying for your health, well wishes and good luck.! take care of yourself, and allow yourself a restful recovery.
@indylandia I like Levin a lot. I am now on page 481. My heart is bursting with love but also with fear. I want to like Anna and Vronsky so bad, but Karenin... god, everything is so tragic..
So true! Levin and kitty are the best. I will be publishing an essay to my site soon about them!
this message drenches my heart with absolute bliss! thank you so so much, you are too sweet! happy 2024 to you too <3 your site is such a beautiful safe haven and i admire every part of it. i send you so much peace and love right back, and pray that 2024 will bring you everything that you wish for. (~: