Turns out I actually got one more entry in my inbox than I thought I did — my apologies to our forthcoming concerned conservationist for missing them out in the first count!
This has the side effect of bumping our final submission up to the winter solstice, which is nice
IO SATURNALIA! I only received four submission, but I'm quite happy with that — that's four more than I was expecting! They’ll be drip-fed through over the next couple of days
Oh also I added some American sports team loyalties to my about page or whatever
I would have gone with just “The Forest”, by analogy with “The Garden”, but that was taken about a thousand times over already
I’d post all this meta natter on The Garden but i don’t want to fall into the trap of “blogging without blogging”, as it were (http://www.dirtyfeed.org/2021/12/on-not-writing/)
"Marijn's site" is perfect, for you are Marijn and this site is indeed nobodys but yours.
I’m just future-proofing here — i’ve already changed my name once before; who says i won’t do it again in the future? :-)
This bilingual issue could be solved by not thinking of your site as a location like a "forest" or whatever. Instead, think of it as a living being, since those have names that don't have to be translated, like Gregory. Like instead of "Marijn's site", it'd be "Gregory", the site of Marijn. (This is a terrible idea)
If Tim Berners-Lee didn't want us to think of websites as places in cyberspace, he shouldn't have called them *sites*!
Well, sites in real life change too, not unlike living beings. Times Square in New York City looks nothing like it did a hundred years ago, or a thousand or a million for that matter. Byzantium became Constantinople became Istanbul. That being said, I feel 'marijn's site' works best as its name - it's short, it's simple, it's all-encompassing.
Most of the books I've read in translation have a different title on the translated edition! You could have a different mellifluous title for each language!
Further more, if you know what the fuck "Web3" means, please go take a month long sabbatical in the Lake District
They've got a pencil museum, I'm sure it'll be more fun than arguing about bitcoin on the internet
Or, hey, you could move there, start a pub or something. Probably a more reliable source of income than pictures of monkeys
@arandomsite I don't like the "non fungi" part, I love mushrooms, why are they trying to take it away from us???
Protip: You can take three routes with this. Twine works best for you probably because it has built in HTML support. Inklewriter would probably be a good place to get it organized & compiled in a draft, though it has excruciatingly limited options for decor. RenPy gives you the most freedoms but also requires you get familiar with some Python and throws you in the crowd of 'dating sim writers'.
If you do take the RenPy route, though, there is a channel with easy to digest tutorials I found a bit ago that might be of help. I know all this because I myself have been trying to write a work of 'interactive fiction' (with very little success, as I tend to stay in development hell).