So, out of sheer curiosity, if I were to make it so that, for the month leading up to Saturnalia, you could write *absolutely anything*, email it to me, and i would proudly post it on both the site and the blog, would anyone participate? It's meant to be a fun little nod to the Roman holiday customs, but i worry somewhat that it would just come off as demanding free work from people
finally figured out some decent symbolism for the antlers + reshuffled the armorial to be in alphabetical order by surname and to add a new member
It's November, which means it's time for all those weird local holidays that other countries don’t have. Bonfire Night! Sint-Maarten! Thanksgiving, if that is your neck of the woods!
Well, here's the "something big" I said I had planned — don’t be afraid, whether it’s five words and a gif or fifty thousand!
Might even make some changes to my own pages if you ask nicely enough. ;)