i know, i Know. not the best thing ever. i will keep messing with it later. ALSO!! crossword
...i've noticed the marquee tags (when seeing the website in firefox) aren't looping..? i'll try to fix that
update: i am taking the medieval approach and have decided my computer has ghosts in its veins that make the marquee tag useless. we're getting a new news station page
new drawing there! it's so big that i made it lnk to itself so you can click on it to zoom around. that one might've taken me four hours but to be honest i was too entertained to notice
more stuff on artworks page! wish it showed up in the preview. New background appears on artworks, music and about pages, the other ones are still the same. i just liked this little guy. not updating the newstation update log yet bc i want to see what else can i do today
this is not an "it is My Duty to update the site with content for The Masses" mindset btw .i just love this site
it's not MADE by him it's just where i found it. thumbs up emoji