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RSJSJF it's okk dont worry abt it !
ah shit, not adopts page. pixels page. i keep forgetting i changed thattt
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it's not loading for me but if you clear your cahcé you'll see the news roach
caché. cache. the roach is called Enrique Fernando III
thank you!!! :] it's going to be infinite by the end of the year
updated button wall. if yours isn't there it will, someday
supposed to be working on a page but i got so distracted by the crossword......... ALL LOOKS AWESOME
this means that if you see me updating a layout or responsiveness in a page it most likely means i got access to a computer
the button wall will be expanded laterrr
bookmarked your off shrine!! i wanna play it someday
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RSJSJF it's okk dont worry abt it !