Thanks for following back! I use black and white film with the red lens, it darkens blue skies and adds more contrast. You can see some examples here :)
Also i really like your website layout and pixel art. You really have a great eye for color
Oh thanks for the link. I was browsing your site on mobile and didn't realise the photos of the cameras were links. Very nice light effects on that camera I like the bright lights. Especially like the effect on the winter photo of the shapes in the air (bokeh?)
And thank you I like working with colour a lot especially low bit depth palettes. I've spent some time in the last year or so doing colour studies so I feel I have a better grasp over the hue shifts and saturation level for certain anime styles, it's definitely helped
zettelkasten is definitely this year's most compellingly readable hierarchically modular page, and a reminder of why propagation of hard copy is an enduring imperative for me....
the recent issues with the internet archive are another reminder of the short lifespan of electronic data
i went and renamed the directory "ox" and updated all the links that i could think of (i may have missed some)
full list of reserved strings, fyi: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9
these are pieces that i own, for now just documenting original paintings/drawings and etchings (no prints for now)
Your photographic pages are probably the most informative and attractive of any that I've seen here. Would that I'd bothered to shoot some in Fukuoka and Sapporo! :'/ BTW, you might want to proofread your link to my site X)
thank you that means a lot to me :) i really want to go again, it's been too long. and thanks for catching the mistyped URL xD it's fixed now
Thanks man i appreciate that. I really like your urbex reports and photos, always wanted to try it