Thanks for the follow back Brian! I enjoyed reading your Tomagotchi log and the cute webcam photos of your physical world animal friends and visitors!
Hey! Thank you very much! That's really kind! I don't have a friends page yet, but you can be sure you will be there! thanks!
Tamagotchi it's so cool, I wish I could have one but original is really expensive where I live.. Maybe I will buy a fake one.
Greetings! is it possible to not care for the tamagotchi and let it die?
@cosmicsan I had one of the cheap Chinese versions back in the day; I'm glad I finally get to try out the original ones!
@joppiesaus Yes! But I hope you're not suggesting I try that! They will die if you don't feed them or clean them or tend to them if they get sick, you also have to turn their light off for them at night to help them have good sleep.