BMH Online

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catcatproductions 4 years ago

I dig these types of posts dude. I would have tried putting it in a bag of rice - my solution for everything lol. Btw we plan on adding some buttons to our site, sort of like you have done. Can't wait to add yours when we get a chance.

bmh 4 years ago

Apparently the bag of rice trick can work if you do it straight away; I'm not sure what happened to this poor Kindle.

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Thanks for following. "Starting a thousand projects and finishing a couple"... that appears about right when I look around my house!
geouniversal 4 years ago

you do a great job of logging your progress and ideas, making me wanna log my thoughts out tooo. i think you'd dig

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heyty 4 years ago

Nice link :o

Hi, thanks for following. I see you have a Projects page too in your Technology section; interesting stuff.
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floppys-lounge 4 years ago

thanks, your projects are neat as well.

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Thank you for the follow and adding my button to your Links page. I just happened to be looking at your website as it was changing over to the new layout... which had me confused for a moment :D
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mystsaphyr 4 years ago

Haha no problem! Yeah it got really weird for a bit after I changed over the domain but hopefully everything has fixed itself by now.

bytemoth 4 years ago

I'm still being connected to the old site.

Hey, I was reading your how2s and you can upload files directly to neocities (without "ftp") via their "CLI". You just need to fiddle a little with some code and script it. Nice website btw, looking forward more pics of Mr. Cat :)
bmh 4 years ago

Thank you for the info. I thought that kind of access was only available to paying members, but I will look into it. There are more pictures of Mr Cat to come :) I'm currently listening to Wikipedia as per your More page!

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CreatedJun 16, 2020
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