wild 2 think i've been around since homepage v2 ...! it's so cool seeing not only the development of your homepage visually, but also of your coding skills via your commentary!! how cool that your current homepage is, albeit subtly, a reflection of how far your coding's come <:o i feel that way abt my own homepage at times tbh!
Sorry to hear you're in the path of the storm. Never a fun as movies make it seem.
I know you probably won't see this at this point, but I wish you and your apartment well as someone who as both been through multiple hurricanes and had an apartment in the past that takes on water. Stay safe and dry!
ur sites looking awesome as always!!! had a little explore before but theres always so much to see.. i hope you're well!!
i still have to learn how to recreate marquees with CSS but i haven't bothered so far <(_ _)> but also np!!! and thank u for the nice comment! i am doing well :] glad to see you back for a bit!
its so cute and cozy! i love how the colors are all so cohesive and the dithered gif background of the sunset theme is awesome :D!!
i've been so busy lately so sorry for the late reply!!! but thank u everyone!! i'm glad people liked it
i’m on my phone and i was praying it would be mobile friendly then it was it made me so happy 😭🩷
thank you !!!!