@yourdevilfriends Thank you, I am too proud of this for my age. Ah, by the way, your ramen reviews inspired me to go grab a bunch of random ramen packets on my last Asian grocery store trip! I was thinking of your reviews the whole time.
@skep I was going with Kentucky Fried Enigma, Kansas Flambeed Eats definitely would have a better menu.
You figure, give it 30 years or so, nobody will be able to retire. So either they're going to have to find jobs us old farts can do, or they're going to have to figure out some other way to keep us from causing too much trouble.
This is literally THE best problem to have lol cgs
@makoenergy I know, thank you, my brain just sucks.
@skep This is true. I somehow hope I luck into my old fart job being “professional soup judgement passer” or something like that.
(I would be an awful soup judgement passer because I see the good in all soups- yes, even Progresso)
I don't want a soup judgement passer who only looks for the bad. After I reform the government, I'm putting you on my cabinet as the Secretary of Soup.