Thank you, I love your site and I wish I could get through my backlog as fast as you!
@skep Always! Not enough Middle English lit on Neocities, you’re filling an important gap!
My glasses situation got worse, so I might be running a games-free gaming blog for a couple of days coming up here.
Man glasses breaking is actually terrible, been there. Hope you're able to get a new set of frames at least!
@cherrycloudchiffon Thank you! My feelings that it had a bad “snap together” vibe are probably way too picky- it didn’t have any finished-project level issues!
I had a similar experience with the Ho-Oh model - it's a bit finnicky when it comes to putting it together, but once it's all done it looks great.
Ahhh I want to get back into Super Mario Oydssey. I love the music.