Today is my Neocities first birthday post! Year one was fun, and I’m hoping for a great year two, too!
It's cool that you are playing through Dragon Quest in Japanese! This is one of my big goals with studying the language, there's just way too much interesting stuff that has not and will never be translated.
@pastelshoal Thanks! I hate how fast every word I have ever learned dumps out of my brain when I hit a textbox that’s even mildly difficult, but I’m hoping that part of it improves with time. I am determined despite not being very good with languages.
Happy one year miela! I haven't been around that entire time but everything you've done with the site so far is great!
Thinking about Power Wash Simulator, I've wanted to try that game and House Flipper for a while. They seem like they could be so cathartic to just sit down and lose time on.
PowerWash Simulator is really relaxing, but I have a ton of control issues with House Flipper. I feel like that would be at the same level if it weren't so frustrating to install stuff.