What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

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I accidentally deleted the message again, this time, it seems, by hitting caps lock on my computer (different device, different disaster!) I apologize, again, for the trouble, and am super appreciative and excited that you would think of trying a button for my site! I'm doing some background work for a contact/chat page to launch soon, so I have a site email set up at
gonnefishin 2 years ago

Okay cool! I sent it to you, sorry for the delay!! (︶^︶)

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miela583 2 years ago

No, not at all, it is the opposite of a situation where an apology would be remotely necessary! This is a great spot in a day that started on hard mode, thank you!

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miela583 2 years ago

I feel super rude saying this, but I didn’t get the email! o___o I am also at miela583#1459 on discord; I will run tests on that email after work today before implementing it- I apologize for the trouble!

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After 21 years of loyal service, my PS2 hath ended its reign. I’d complain more, but I have a replacement lined up, and considering how extensively it’s been used, that’s a really fantastic run.
gonnefishin 2 years ago

What finally gave out on it? I'm shocked to hear it lasted THAT long honestly!

miela583 2 years ago

Hopefully I don't screw up and delete anything here- it was kind of the game system equivalent of multiple organ failure. The disc tray has been difficult for a while, but last night, it stopped reading discs, was overheating, got noisy, and the AV cables gave out to boot. She had a good run.

gonnefishin 2 years ago

Ah, I see. yeah it's a good thing you had a replacement ready, because while you *CAN* repair old consoles like this.... the cost usually outweighs the benefit. essentially it's why my dreamcast is kinda crippled LOL

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miela583 2 years ago

I have gotten a dreamcast fixed, but that was a laser only issue, so less daunting— this just seemed above my DIY level by a lot

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Gonefishin! I accidentally deleted your comment, I’m so sorry! I tried to reply on my tablet and have ham fingers! Yes, the main character is customizable, though! It’s pretty limited- gender, face, hairstyle, and a narrow skin tone range, but it’s not nothing, either. This is the first Disaster Report I’ve played, so I don’t know what’s standard or not.
gonnefishin 2 years ago

The older DR's had a main character that was kind of created specifically for the story, so there wasn't really anything in the way of character customization outside of like, bonus unlockables. Also no worries! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

miela583 2 years ago

Ahhh, that makes sense. This is super “role playing” based, with a lot of choose your actions/ how you treat and talk to people stuff above any other sort of gameplay so far, so in context, the custom main character makes sense. It’s interesting so far.

It seems like your post on my profile disappeared. Might I ask about your thoughts on Kakugo no Susume? I would consider the pluses to be good music and somewhat decent animation (better than Angel Cop and the Nora series from slightly later). The negatives are the somewhat goofy character designs and how condensed the plot was for the runtime.
miela583 2 years ago

Hey, please let me know if this disappears, too! I tried the direct post, and it went away, and then the comment one did, too- my post about the unicode hearts on my own profile was kind of a test. I kind of liked the goofy character designs, though, and the weird tonal/content shifts had a definite vibe. I have a soft spot for wonky OVAs, though. I respect something that really goes for it, even if it fails. Plus, I

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miela583 2 years ago

didn’t know a thing about what it was going to be and almost spit-taked cranberry sauce across my craft table at “wow, I did not have ‘giant dominatrix explodes a schoolgirl’s guts out the top of her head’ on my OVA bingo card at all, but that’s anime, baby”

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miela583 2 years ago

That being said, I kind of like Nora, too? The first would be unremarkable on its own, but Twinkle Nora is off base to such an unconventional degree, in terms of story, animation, all of it, that I think it made the first retroactively more interesting to me. I don’t think it’s good by any means, but sometimes it’s better to be fascinating than it is to be competently made.

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pagespages 2 years ago

Interesting for certain and very entertaining.

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