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I try not to care too much about inconsequential things. My website is for myself and my views, which I know aren't very radical anyway. I think that if people have critical thinking skills, they don't need to be too paranoid about the views they espouse. Unfortunately, critical thinking skills seem pretty rare
I think one should learn to differentiate those opinions and perceptions we care about and (metaphorically) invite them to sit right next to us when we write. We should be open to their corrections, suggestions and points of view. There is a great value in speaking with those with whom we disagree. But I wouldn’t invite them to write with me. If you try to make everyone happy you won’t ever write a single word.
Interesting, thank you.
Freedom of self-expression is an important value. Being able to perceive different points of view makes you able to understand the diversity of humans... Being radical or being neutral, expressing negative or positive feelings, writing about this or that subject, deciding to open up about yourself or staying apart ; are your personal choices.
However, I believe words have powers (weight) and this is why it's important to choose them well to reflect the exact idea you want to tell.
But I also think, one of the most important value when we are in communication with others is : respect. If you decide to defend yourself about anything : aren't you harming someone ?