@haxrelm All depends on how you define 'religion'. 'Witchcraft' is a term used by practitioners of Wicca and some Neopagans to describe their practices, if memory serves me right.
Linkroll update! 5 new links; check 'em out — that brings the total count up to 66
Merry Christmas, you filthy animals! This almost feels like too high effort of a post for the garden, but…
I am glad your on line community has found peace this year. Merry Cristmas
Reading this post really made my very busy, and soon to be busier, day. Merry Christmas, marijn!
Nice. Always when I see those festive chests in Minecraft it gives me strange vibes. Also I found a imo nice but not exceptional seed(1.16.4): -437942201015015075
Whoa, cool article! I never knew about ¤, I associate it with mojibake or other weird unicode encoding error shenanigans, never actually knew it was a currency sign.