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I never ever look at them but I have a weird desire to always know what they are or what's on them, same with anything that people tout as disturbing. Whenever I hear of something new I do a safety search to find a text-only description of whatever it is. I tried looking at them as a kid and learned my lesson lol, not worth it for the bragging rights.
i don't mind it neither but when they have flashing images or really loud sounds i find it so annoying lmao
i grew up on like unrestricted internet access at the age of 9 so like i'm used to seeing that sort of junk but i only really take issue with it when people show that stuff to kids,, it's kinda messed up then.
sites that do: zoom-in/full screen, screamers, non-stop active windows... are irritating. my curiosity kills me but i know what i will see, so i don't have a problem with them.
Just unnecessary. Why would you show people you don’t even know this triggering content (physically or emotionally)? You’re risking a stranger’s wellbeing just for amusement. Who knows, the person who viewed your page might’ve had a panic attack or if you’re included loud sounds or unexpected flashing images, you might’ve caused an epileptic seizure which can cause literal DEATH
used to look at em all the damn time, i thought some were funny and would show my friends. no true opinion though.
i find them absolutely pointless, but nowadays you dont really need to go to special websites to be exposed to gore etc its pretty much everywhere, not a good thing tho