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Are you sure you want to do this?
already got one
yeah they're cool
ima get one for my bday
Sweet, there's a lot of things you can do with them, I'd say Twister OS is a good option considering it's bundled with lots of games and software to start out with.
i like RetroPie
yo wait twister comes with retropie? that's sweet
@poly-kd It comes with Kodi, Steam, and Wine as well.
yo that's insaaaneee
didn't realize i had other options than raspbian when i was setting mine up
@nanoarrow Yeah the starter kit installer? Connect it to the internet and you can have multiple systems to launch on one sd card
@jello-net i don't really know what you're talking about but yeah i'll try that
@jello-net for some reason on my Pi Zero W, I can only run Raspbian, but on my Pi 3 B everything works fine.