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iyay omehowsay erstoodundyay atthay
Cheffe caffazzoffo difficiffi?
what does this say guys please
ipsfunfunchay ytray otay ooklay atyay ityay iluntyay ouyay andunderstyay ityay
Iay greeaay ithway anoarrownay
esyay eway ouldshay
Iay mokesay ootay uchmay 204ay andyay umcay
lonjay hatway
koay, annogay paffarlaffareffe ekilay sihtay daffa oraffa, diffevefferteffenteffe! doogay aedaay :D
"we should only communicate in pig latin on neocities"?
oyay amamay osay atfay eshay iedtray otay eatyay oxxbay ivelay