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AWWW ur so sweet!! i get vry self concious w streaming so this means a lot <3
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Sushi is so tasty! How often do you eat it?
well my bday is on june 18 which is international sushi day and every june 18 my family goes to our local Ichiban to eat sushi
Once a year?!? You need to double it ;)
i suggest using matrix or xmpp bc they are both self-hosted
I prefer discord because I already use and know it well but thx for the suggestion!
I prefer M.U.G.E.N because yes
Wats mugen
Fighting game engine
7 Dollars for a Whopper and a Coke?!?! What has the world come to...😔
whopper whopper whopper whopper
Burger King drive-thru
ok ty i was wonderijgbwhy it eas fucked upe
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AWWW ur so sweet!! i get vry self concious w streaming so this means a lot <3