BadGraph1csGhost's Website

7,200 updates
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i think i might have insulted a few people by not putting their buttons onto my homepage... trying to fix the button backlog now, but i'm afraid the non-button backlog is hopeless :( it's too bad neocities doesn't list sites you follow in reverse chronological order. i have actually no idea WHAT order it uses...
roseverdict 6 days ago

my working theory is that it's based off of which sites have updated more or less recently, but my theory is based solely off vibes so don't quote me on that

jaidenle 6 days ago

ive been trying to figure it out all day and i still dont understand it.... and its def not sorted from updates... (from what i can tell maybe???)

mew151 6 days ago

It is based off of the "secret sauce" ranking of each site, which is calculated from stats and activity from their account.

badgraph1csghost 6 days ago

well that would explain why stuff keeps shifting positions... i don't WANT another fyp, i want a LIST. why tf does every large website feel like it needs to have some variation on "for you" in the first place?

mew151 6 days ago

The "secret sauce" is not *really* a FYP even though it sounds like it. I think it's just there to help prioritize people who have been actively updating their site and commenting. At the bottom of the ranking are sites that are dead. Idk why they had to call it "secret sauce" and not just "activity" or something. I have an outdated page on my site about how it works.


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CreatedAug 18, 2022
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