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bmh 2 years ago

Two advent doors opened today... baaa-humbug!!

koshka 2 years ago

I can't be arsed to care about holidays in general as well. Social events offend far too many of my sensory issues, and I can't get over how arbitrary they really are. Just "let us all get together and perform these rituals because the Earth is in approximately the same place in its orbit as it was when we last did them."

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koshka 2 years ago

There's been all sorts of stuff purported to have been discovered on the Moon and Mars. Pyramids being a big one. Also in Antarctica. Most of it is obviously BS but some of it does make me wonder.

bmh 2 years ago

@koshka Yes, Antarctica is another fascinating area I have read about... A pyramid there, Nazi bases, and the hollow/flat earth theories.

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bmh 2 years ago

I had a busy day yesterday, so I opened two advent doors today to catch up.

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koshka 2 years ago

That misty lake photograph is seriously beautiful!!!

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freckleskies 3 years ago

dude i have these vitamin c and d and zinc supplement pills laying around on my desk that i take every so often

freckleskies 3 years ago

theres like no real point to that comment lol u just reminded me of them

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koshka 3 years ago

@freckleskies "It is better to considered an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it."

koshka 3 years ago

@bmh Vitamin D in my experience is something that is best gotten naturally. Every time I tried to take it as a supplement I would get horrific constipation the likes of which is best not described. Getting it natuirally is an excellent way to also get physical exercise at the same time.

bmh 3 years ago

@koshka I completely agree; naturally is best. I've not had any such problems with supplementing Vitamin D; I noticed my stomach gurgling as I gradually upped my daily intake of C, and backed off. It's good to research the various supplements before taking them and if choosing to proceed, to do so with only one at a time.

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