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koshka 3 years ago

Pretty scenery! I am glad that Santa's elves came through for you!

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Day 6's Advent Door has been opened: ... now I have no excuse but to get on with all of the things therein...
bmh 3 years ago

...well maybe if ebay's servers weren't buggering me about

koshka 3 years ago

More and more I get the impression that your home must look as if you are not-so-secretly constructing a robot army to take over the world.

bmh 3 years ago

@koshka I cannot confirm or deny this

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bmh 3 years ago

I had a busy day yesterday not only updating the Shrine section to include Pets (as per Day 1 of the calendar) but preparing today's offering also.

koshka 3 years ago

Beautiful cats!! I'm sorry to hear that you were unable to be present for the deaths of so many of your cats. That's a scenario that always plagued me. As traumatic as my own cat's death was, I'm glad I at least had the "fortune" to be there and know that it happened.

bmh 3 years ago

@koshka Yes, the first time I experenced that kind of loss of a cat was in my childhood and we looked for her for days and hoped for a long time after that she would turn up. When it happened again years later I was better prepared mentally, but it's still a shame to not know what happened.

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freckleskies 3 years ago

i love this idea so much, hope you dont mind if i were to grab it and do it myself too

ita 3 years ago

such a cute idea!!

pagemelt 3 years ago

This is so cute!

bmh 3 years ago

@freckleskies go for it! Thanks everyone.

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koshka 3 years ago

I love the design! Toby looks super cute, and I wholeheartedly support the idea of you making a shrine for him and your other pets.

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koshka 3 years ago

I feel like Johnson and Biden were specifically picked because they're mentally-addled buffoons. It's as if the elites are rubbing our powerlessness into our faces. NO ONE, especially among those close to Biden, can truly believe that he's in control of his faculties. This man actually screamed "MY BUTT'S BEEN WIPED!!" at a reporter and farted loudly before the Duchess of Cornwall!


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