I thought a How2 page on buttons was in order, to share my thoughts about etiquette. Is Hotlinking good or bad?
Hot linking used to be a detriment to the person being linked to, mainly for server concerns. That's not really an issue since we're all on the same host, so now it's more of an issue when the file changes or is deleted, leaving a broken image.
Great picture. How about Mars? Seeing it so close to the moon like that made me realize just how bright Mars is!
Thank you. Mars is appearing super-bright these nights, apparently it's at one of its closeset points to us for a while. I did cheat a little with that picture by merging two together to avoid the moon appearing over exposed with no definition.
Congrats to your SETI@home contributions. You Gotta join World Community Grid, Rosetta@home and Folding@home for their COVID-19 efforts.