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I'm not sure when you reviewed Banana Yoshimoto's books, but it made me happy to see them on your site! I first read "Kitchen" last October, and it got me back into reading. I finished "The Lake" last month and I thought it was really interesting. I'm also currently reading "Moshi Moshi".
galaxy brain reading setup. you really needed a break, it was so intense that i still can't believe you could do it for that long...
@sunfishdreamworld i should really date my book reviews, but i think it was two years ago now almost!! I really like her style and it also helped me get back into reading, what do you think of moshi moshi? I havent read that one yet :DD
@sussuri thank you, i think its quite dystopian but this is how my life will be until i finally get some kind of a sofa.. or something hahah and fr it was too intense
So far, Moshi Moshi hasn't pulled me in much and I'm halfway through it. I do like how the main character has her own parent present for most of it, but I thought the plots for Kitchen and The Lake have been more interesting. ^.^;
Ahh, I'll check out the lake first then!