added a button for my site! it's just in the box that i put some fave sites in, so i'll move it eventually, but it exists haha
thank youuuu! i have a lot more work on it done than what's published so far, but that stuff is uhhhh.....probably doesn't make sense to anyone but me <.<;
AHHH oh my god thank you!! You have no idea how much that means to me T___T I also hope to see more from you! :)<3
@mental-labour for some reason i can't respond to your comment (so idk if you'll see this), but thank you! i enjoy them too haha :) i hope you like this place
@mental-labour i'm in awe! the photos of this place are amazing and the wikipedia page is fascinating! i hope you enjoy this place as a thank you haha,22.8354459,4z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x51b25934eddcba9d!8m2!3d45.7502729!4d22.8356317
thanks! i probably won't be able to update for a little while, but i look forward to getting back to it!
the eurovison page has now been spell checked. i must have written that page in a fever dream because good god that was rough ;-;
Loved that you have a eurovision page! I tend to like the italian ones, every year are the songs that goes to my playlist. But i'm not that well known, normally i just see on YouTube what the songs are.