That's such a lovely thing to hear. I'm glad you find some value in it, and I hope you're doing well too. :]
I am slowly adjusting to having free time again now that exams are over, so I can actually start focusing on other things like writing and drawing now...
wow, congrats on finishing your exams! i'm sure it feels great to be able to get back to writing and drawing. even though I have free time, I've kind of been wasting away, so I need to get back on it too!..
They lasted a month and a half, which was hellish. I think it's important to rest, but also to ensure we impose some kind of structure on our free time, even if it just looks like a small checklist of things to do to make sure you don't waste away too much at home.
woof, that DOEs sound rough. congrats they're over with, though! and yeah, I totally agree with you. but then you have to actually go about doing things ... >.>
Thank you, friend! I also wish you a great day! :D
Also like your website!
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