What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

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After 21 years of loyal service, my PS2 hath ended its reign. I’d complain more, but I have a replacement lined up, and considering how extensively it’s been used, that’s a really fantastic run.
gonnefishin 1 year ago

What finally gave out on it? I'm shocked to hear it lasted THAT long honestly!

miela583 1 year ago

Hopefully I don't screw up and delete anything here- it was kind of the game system equivalent of multiple organ failure. The disc tray has been difficult for a while, but last night, it stopped reading discs, was overheating, got noisy, and the AV cables gave out to boot. She had a good run.

gonnefishin 1 year ago

Ah, I see. yeah it's a good thing you had a replacement ready, because while you *CAN* repair old consoles like this.... the cost usually outweighs the benefit. essentially it's why my dreamcast is kinda crippled LOL

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miela583 1 year ago

I have gotten a dreamcast fixed, but that was a laser only issue, so less daunting— this just seemed above my DIY level by a lot

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