What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

9,174 updates
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Thanks for the follow, your design is very clean and easy to use on my tablet! Plus, it is nice to see Butters- I used to have a figure of him, but his head fell off! It was a small tragedy.
duckforipod 1 year ago

Thank you for being the first follower of my site! I am so happy that someone replied. I actually just bought a Kenny backpack a few days ago, and it still hasn’t arrived. I try my best at website designing, but I have an app that works amazingly well. Because my school has got an adobe subscription, I can use a not-so-known app called adobe muse which makes it really easy to create these sorts of websites! -Alex

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gonnefishin 1 year ago

Ah! This post reminded me that I actually DID forget to blog some days ago! ;__; Thank you again for helping out though! It's a huge help! (。・∀・)ノ゙

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miela583 1 year ago

It was definitely not a problem, it was a decent game to soothe a melting brain. Looking forward to the next one!

miela583 1 year ago

My daily update is on the homepage, but I did some broken image correction that forced a page with no new content for the day to the big thumbnail.

radpage 1 year ago

I absolutely loved Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog and was immediately charmed by it, hope you have a good time when feeling better!

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yourdevilfriends 1 year ago

Hope your allergies get better soon!

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Thank you for the follow. I have that same pack and am now thinking really hard about Penguin’s Arena.
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justin-myhead 1 year ago

hop on, brother

colrana 1 year ago

I just want to say that I always enjoy peeking back onto your site and seeing what games youve been playing! Its very inspiring and is such a simple premise that makes me also want to do something similar haha.. Your site also reminded me I had disney tsum tsum installed on my phone!

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miela583 1 year ago

Thank you! The dangers of Tsum Tsum aside, I just wanted to write and enjoy myself, and this was as good an excuse for both as any! I’m glad you like it!

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMay 29, 2022
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videogames blog personal gaming