No, not at all, it is the opposite of a situation where an apology would be remotely necessary! This is a great spot in a day that started on hard mode, thank you!
I feel super rude saying this, but I didn’t get the email! o___o I am also at miela583#1459 on discord; I will run tests on that email after work today before implementing it- I apologize for the trouble!
What finally gave out on it? I'm shocked to hear it lasted THAT long honestly!
Hopefully I don't screw up and delete anything here- it was kind of the game system equivalent of multiple organ failure. The disc tray has been difficult for a while, but last night, it stopped reading discs, was overheating, got noisy, and the AV cables gave out to boot. She had a good run.
Ah, I see. yeah it's a good thing you had a replacement ready, because while you *CAN* repair old consoles like this.... the cost usually outweighs the benefit. essentially it's why my dreamcast is kinda crippled LOL
I have gotten a dreamcast fixed, but that was a laser only issue, so less daunting— this just seemed above my DIY level by a lot
I see the switch mobile kitty game has you enraptured lately (。・ω・。)
If I could get away with it, I would call off work to make the little cats do violence. Small games with clear, constant unlock loops are very dangerous for me. Plus, I am fascinated by which costumes they did and didn’t color swap to avoid lawsuits.
I get the feeling! That's what got me hooked back on Risk of Rain recently, games with consistent unlocks just possess me to complete them! Also, perhaps they got some licensing rights on the costumes? I'd imagine it'd be reaaaally hard to get some of those characters tho... (◎﹏◎)
Yeah, there’s a TON of Disney in it, and I just can’t imagine the cost! Some games are lucky to fly under the radar.