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really really like this
thank you kindly my friend
That's the way I got through a lot of Patrick O'Brian a long time ago. I felt tired this morning after lack of sleep. After reading this, I'm kinda feeling it again
hey so I don't know if you've seen this article but the writing style reminded me a lot of yours:
@read yeah I'm trying to read a buncha small books now and it still feels like pulling teeth
@pix i unsubbed from mcsweeneys online rss because they post so damn much but this was a good one. i worked a corporate job for about a decade so I'm sure i have jargon artefacts in my written language
It was more the style of humor than jargon but it just reminded me of your writing. 😁
i can see that. thanks pixel
It took me getting through it 75% before I worked out what "rock" meant. Seems silly now but brain is an odd thing. I knew you were unlikely to smoke crack but just couldn't land on the right answer.