@asgooffeeasme it is!! i know a lot of people dislike it but to me it's very stimulating and rewarding even if it can be frustrating sometimes. and even then risc assembly is more useable than most people would lead you to believe
ive heard bad things about x86 but some people just cant get enough of 6502. ive had...kind of a good time with Z80? once. 10 yrs ago.
i might have to check out 6502 sometime tho wooww. id only really heard about mips and arm being learnable
^changed out some broken links and uploaded a few new web graphics nothing big
TYY and also waait your site looks so sick omg. i really like how ur music page talks about how and where you made each of your songs its such a nice touch
oh yeah and i dont think i'll be putting anything on the gadgets section anytime soon (i actually considered removing it for a while) but IDK we'll see :')
oh ok, maybe one day. it was fun reading through your nand2tetris writeup since i majored in computer engineering B)
also inspired by your math shrine i was thinking of my favorite engineering concepts and one i thought of you might like is error correcting codes (maybe you’ve encountered them already). it’s more of an algorithm than a math concept but the math used to justify them is interesting too
oohh that's cool. i wrote a bunch of my nand2tetris posts a while ago so hopefully the quality was not questionable haha, but i'm glad you enjoyed them!
i do know about error correcting codes, but not by name (had to look it up lol). i haven't read about them much, but i might sometime if i can get around to it. thanks for bringing it up ^^
literally just opened a research paper and theres talk of error correcting codes, i guess im obligated to know more about this then