Virtually Isolated

1,165 updates
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Cheers for checking out my little site! Your games look cute and fun! I like the MUDII logs, too! I sometimes run text based DnD and I enjoy reading logs like this
friday-girl 5 months ago

ooh, thanks :) glad to see that you like my Wall of Shame and that you checked out my games. tbf I am planning on trying to rework the MUDII logs section of my page into more of a 'MUDII shrine with actual game info on it as well' at some point, but that's still very much in the 'design' phase for now

friday-girl 5 months ago

your website is incredibly cool though. I absolutely adore the aesthetic you have going (cool rat btw), and those are some useful-looking resources you have there as well

I already loved the simple yet bright design of the site itself, but I'm head over heels for your Gallery! So many wonderful, expressive pieces! Thank you for checking out my little yellow web zone!
maddiemuu 5 months ago

thank you for the kind words!!!!! this comment made me smile :D! i need to get back to updating my gallery... i draw all the time, so there's a big backlog there lol. and i had so much fun checking your site out! super fun visuals + collections of work. i was especially a fan of your webcomics page!

I've been trying to find a good way to say it, but I fail a little at finding the words. I love this project! From start to finish, from concept to the folding of the wonderful looking box, I love it. It just resonates with me!
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melbreathsbrooke 5 months ago

Oh my gosh!!!! thank you so much!!!!! I didn't think I'd get any organic visitors this soon lol. I'm so so happy the project means something to you!! :D:D you have no idea how happy this makes me

This site is such an old school delight! I love the About page!
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rat-girl 5 months ago

thank you (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

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Such cute art and characters!
bellhopping 5 months ago

thanks!!! I'm working on a bit of a revamp atm so sorry if things change a bit rapidly X3

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This site is such a vibe, grimey, grungey and a splash of metal! I love the look and I really like a lot from your gallery and comics!
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Love the vibe! Hitting the 404 page also killed me, I laughed out loud when the Ectofuntus popped up
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Although I can only see the 1 page, this is such a fun and cool design for a site!
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marbhlann 5 months ago

Thank you! It's still a work in progress haha.

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Cute art!
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sociallysama 5 months ago

Ahh this means so much, thank you!!

1 like
The art looks cute and the background is a vibe! Can't wait to see more!
1 like

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMay 29, 2023
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software retro webcomics fandom tabletop