Thank you! I really enjoy the vibe of your site and congrats on graduating! Hope you get to enjoy some time off!
i also really like your solarcyberpunk site, it feels as intuitive as playing ff7 on the playstation
That is so sweet ^^ I finally got to adding some other sites' buttons to my Friends page, and I think your website layout is really cool! I'm working on uploading all of my art, so there'll be some more Signalis pieces :)
This is so neat! I love when people do their own TT print-offs. And the FFT pawns are a really cute idea!
And, reading your secret About page and trans page, I can resonate with a lot of this from my own similar-yet-different experiences. I hope life brings you to where you can always be *you*, sooner than later.
Thank you for the kind words! I just go step-by-step and maybe someday I'll be where I want to be. Thank you for checking out my little site! I'm happy to hear you vibe with it! It's wonderful messages like this that keep me super motivated in so many ways!
Few rough pages of the Galt Undivided campaign! You might need a refresh to reflect the current style