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it (not dehumanizing - pronoun choice from old site, "they" gave it dysphoria and i otherwise can't remember all the neopronouns) pretended to be native american, romani, and jewish but was revealed to be white. then it went on a deleting spree including four sites on neocities. it's also been in extensive drama in the sims community and everskies and in general everyone's relieved to see it gone
dreamie might have gone by she too but since the delete of the site idk what pronouns to use but i do distinctly remember dreamie saying not to refer to it as human and it liked it pronouns so :,)
uh. goddamn??? it sounds crazy like. how the hell oculd it do that shit man wtf
I was rather suspicious of that pedigree in the first place. So I'm not shocked it's bull. :I
wonder why, if it said it was white in the first place, we wouldn't be mad or anything
this is the goofiest shit i have ever read
bruh why did it pretend to be native and jewish :sob: goofiest shit ive ever read i cant believe i thought they were okay
goofy ahh istg 💀