sheesh the ip address @nanoarrow commented is in turkey , u live in turkey ?
I shall banish u off the face of the internet. I want u to burn in hell while having ur organs harvested by children and ur head slowly being removed from ur body with a metal claw
ipsfunfunchay ytray otay ooklay atyay ityay iluntyay ouyay andunderstyay ityay
koay, annogay paffarlaffareffe ekilay sihtay daffa oraffa, diffevefferteffenteffe! doogay aedaay :D
I'm not sure if I can do that in Markdown. It's better to just resize the actual image
Yeah I dont think that is possible. You can try using a photo editor to make it smaller.
I tried doing that but I think it messes up the details because it's lowering the actual resoution of the image too
ya i dont think its cool to be so demanding like that in a public forum, you could have just told me on discord or something private. you basically led a mob against me without explaining the other side of the matter and it really distressed me :(((((
i didn't really wanted a mob i just wanted to clarify that sugarteara wasn't affiliated with roxelle
1gp4y 33t1n|4y: 0tg4y 4ckb4y 0mfr4y 3th4y 4c4t10nv4y. (F0r n00bs wh0 c4n't r34d P1g L33t1n: G0t b4ck fr0m th3 v4c4t10n).