thank you all for the kind words ! doc said i should be better in about a week :D symptoms aren't too bad it just feels like a cold so i'm not doing too bad at least !!
in all my 20 years of living i have completed a sketchbook a total of maybe two times. I'm starting a new sketchbook because i have no impulse control despite only filling like 8 pages in my previous one (i made myself heheh)
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since my homepage is currently complete please let me know if you want your button added to my site if it's not there already ! it's hard to keep track of things eheh
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finished the home page at last ! no idea why there's so much empty space under the index to scroll through but i'll figure out how to get rid of it eventually...
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ahhhh thank you so much i'm so so glad you like my site ! and thank you for sticking around with me for so long !!